Course documents and informations will be available on the UBO's Moodle platform.
The School will take place at Pôle Numérique Brest Iroise (PNBI), close to the European Institut of Research on the Sea (IUEM), a beautiful place close to Brest during 6 days, from April 1st to April 6th. Please consult this page for informations to reach PNBI. Please connect on the UBO's Moodle platform to see the summary of logistics informations, including informations about your arival on sunday 31.
Accommodation will be located at IMT Atlantique, 10 minutes walking time from Pôle Numerique Brest Iroise (PNBI).
655 Avenue du Technopôle
29280 Plouzané, France
Your accommodation will be either in Building I01 or I08
Breakfasts, lunches and dinners will be taken at the RAK restaurant. Don't forget to bring with you the tickets for the breakfasts/meals (included in the registration fees, to recover during welcome coffe).
Breakfasts will be served between 7h45 and 8h30, except on Thursday 4.
See School schedule for lunch hours, we will picnic on Thursday 4.
Dinners at the RAK restaurant (alle dinners except those of the 2nd and 6th) are served between 19h15 and 20h00, you are free to go within these hours. Dinners of the 2nd and 6th of will be taken at 19h00 in the PNBI.
You can read online about travel info.
Please bring with you :
Please consider that there are outdoor activities during the School (walk among the coast/dunes of Keremma and visit Molène island) and Symposium (boat trip), so we recommend you to bring:
Walking shoes
Waterproof jacket
And if you have : Binoculars (to appreciate the birds and landscape during the field trip), Photographic camera.
do not provide towels
Laptop with matlab 2006 or higher
Recent version of DEBtool and AmPtool (clic on the green bouton to download)
A well prepared mydata file for your pet
NichMapperR (DEB in practice IV)
List of participants (we skip introductions)
If you don't have a Matlab license, there are two viable options: